Quote of the Month


"My only regret is that I have but one life to give to my country"

-Nathan Hale

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup! WGN Radio Call!

Seperation between Church and State and the United States greatest test

The article below illustrates one of the largest issues that is looming around the United States. The problem; how to deal with separation between church and state. Now the problem was not that status quo. Separation prior to last year was perfectly fine. Public schools were legal bound not to pressure any religion on students, and up hold a civic duty to provide fair and balanced education.

That has changed, due to the ignorance and spite of the state of Texas.

If you don't know, the state of Texas reportedly "voted to enact new teaching standards for history and social studies that will alter which material gets included in school textbooks. It decided to drop Jefferson from a world history section devoted to great political thinkers". Why you ask? Because Jefferson was a proponent of the separation between church of state.

Excluding Thomas Jefferson from the history of the United States is a crime. Not only does it rob students of a full education, but it also inhibits them from learning about a true American hero who had just as much to do with the shape of our country than any other person.

The problem is not just isolated in Texas. Serving 4.7 million students, Texas accounts for a large percentage of the textbook market. These new standards may influence other states, to follow suit.

One of our country's greatest attributes is the freedom to practice any religion we choose. We can attend school with out the pressures of officials trying to press their beliefs onto mine. I cherish these as I do not conform with many of the religious the beliefs that have huge influence on society. By law, I can practice and believe what I choose. I intend to keep it this way.

Therefore, what Texas is doing is an absolute crime and immediate federal intervention should be enabled.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

911 Loose Change (full-length)

7 Days in September

I went through this phase in my life a few months ago. It isnt what your thinking. I think. Not one of those phases. Somehow, I cant really point out one direct spark, but for some reason I was obsessed with September 11th and the events that unfolded that morning. Whatever it was, I somehow became fixated. And after watching all the videos, and reading all the books, the most inticing aspects of the whole event, are the perspective of the people who lived through it, in NYC, in Pennsylvania, and in D.C. In the documentary we watched in class, it is evident of the sheer chaos of that day. People wer spreading rumors, screaming, and running. Americans are not supposed to feel unsafe as they walk down the streets of their cities. That day we were. I thought the film did a great job showing that aspect of the story.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

John McCain Gets Rick Rolled by Obama

Speech Codes

Speech code, and speech restriction is a very interesting ideal to investigate. It is one of those topics that has a massive grey area. But that's a good thing. When it comes to many things, rights of speech, a grey area and the right to different interpretations is a vital element. There should always be an investigation if something is deemed that violates free speech. In terms of college policy and restriction, it is important to study each case differently and in whatever context necessary. When attending a large college of whatever kind, it is important to note that you chose to go there. You don't have to. So, really, colleges can do whatever they like. At a High School, where it is mandatory to attend, well that's a completely different story.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"My Best Theory" by Jimmy Eat World

University of Florida student Tasered at Kerry forum

Dont Tase me Bro...the real guy


Toews vs. Kane...Who do you like? The HurriKANE vs. Dont Toews me bro!


The speech code assignment is under construction, because i was not here in school on friday. I was in Detroit getting my butt handed to me by kids twice my size. No big deal, the work will be here in a jiffy.


Chicago Blackhawks

Im digging a repeat title for the greatest hockey team in the history of NHL.