Quote of the Month


"My only regret is that I have but one life to give to my country"

-Nathan Hale

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Post 5

Now I got to the most interesting part of this story. Actually I was reading this book while in the car and once I got to this section, I had to stop and read out loud to to the rest of my family who were intrigued by what I was reading. The section was about The Book of Mormon. If you only heard about Joseph Smith and the polygamists then you haven’t gotten to the best part. Here is what the story of the Mormon people is:
There was an ancient Hebrew tribe which was headed by a man Lehi. In raising his large family, he let everyone understand that to earn God’s love is the most important thing in life. The only way to earn it was to obey every commandment. Lehi and his followers abandoned Jerusalem six hundred years before the birth of Christ, and journeyed to North America by boat. In North America, long family jealousies erupted. Lehi had always favored his youngest son, Nephi, and handed his leadership over to him. But his other son became enraged by the decision, causing the tribe to split into two rival clans after the passing of Lehi. The righteous white skinned Nephites led by Nephi, and their adversaries, the Laminates. God was so annoyed by the creation of the Laminates he cursed the whole lot of them with dark skin to punish them for tier impiety. Whoa whoa whoa, Joseph Smith seems to be a bit racist right there. After the resurrection of Christ, Jesus visited North America to share his gospel on why the two tribes should stop their fighting. They abided at first but then after several hundred years, the Lamintes began to backslide in unbelief and the two tribes fought each other once again and it developed into a full blown war. The Lamanites slaughtered all 230,000 of the Nephites. That fact is supposed to explain why Christopher Columbus encountered no Caucasians when he landed in the new world in 1492. The victorious Lamanites survived to become the ancestors of the modern American Indians, although eventually these “red sons of Israel” lost all memory of both the Nephites and their Judaic heritage. The leader of the Nephites during their final, doomed battles had been a heroic figure of uncommon wisdom named Mormon; and the last son to survive the slaughter by the Lamanites, was Mormon’s son Moroni (the angel who told Smith where the plates were).
 So that’s the story. It’s ridiculous. After reading more of the Book of Mormon, some of the facts have zero evidence and are frankly inconsistencies with the actual history of the world. For example, it makes references to horses and wheeled carts, neither of which existed in the Western Hemisphere during the pre-Colombian era. Modern DNA analysis has conclusively demonstrated that American Indians are not descendants of any Hebrarric race.  

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