Quote of the Month


"My only regret is that I have but one life to give to my country"

-Nathan Hale

Monday, October 25, 2010



Bullying CONT.

I kind of lost my train of thought so I am going to just speak from the gut. Bullying is a terrible thing. Break down the Hobbs/Locke philiosophy. People are either good, or they are bad. I guess, people are bad. That is why bullying exists and that is why a euphoric world will never exist. You know Machiavelli once ask is it better to be feared or loved? I bring this up because he found that most likely it is better to be feared. Why would it be better? Because being feared retards the ability for someone to rise or act against you. This notion is that people would do this. People are natually bad. That is why bullying exists.

Here at Deerfield I know I have been bullied. But for the stupidest reasons. Here are the two reasons.

1) I dont play for our high school team. Therefore people think I am a "pussy" or I think I am so much better than everyone else. Truth is that one my team is very good, and I like playing at a higher level. Secondly, my best friends play for the team. Third, it is cheaper than high school.

2) Last year when I was a Junior, I may have "hung out" with senior girls. Who cares, all that social class, you cant have older girls stuff is bullshit. It really is. Who cares what people you hang out with. Who cares what you do. Worry about yourself. There are larger issues in this world that require attention rather than the girls I hook up with. The people that gave me crap for that last year have other obvious internal problems. One person, even had to create a facebook account just to try and torment me which is the funniest thing. Sorry I get a little emotional :)

But yeah his name is Scot Benton. I should have sued him. That would have been so good.

Alright I'm just rambling.

Ill check in with you later.

Peace homie


Okay so I know I may have been insensitive to bullying. In class I said that some people deserve it. I still believe it. So I am captain of my hockey team alright. I know I know, your asking "how?" That's not important. What is important is my bullying policy that I have created. So remember that kid I was talking about. The one who constantly gets picked on. This is my belief. No picking on him unless he deserves. So I will frequently intervene people saying things when he doesnt merit it. But he does sometimes.

For example, my teammates know that he has anger issues. There is this one story about him and I assure you it's true. One day in class, this kid was making fun of him right. So this kid goes to the white board to complete a math problem. As he turns around, the teammate of mine slugs him with an upper cut to the face. Thats the kind of kid we are dealing with.

Anyways, people know he is "hot headed" right, so they like to test him. They call out his name in funny, immature ways, and he responds to them by screaming ......TBCONTIUNED

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Its been too long

hey blog...its me Jake. Mr. Kramer has not had us writing here for a little while so I thought I check in to see how you were.

This weekend my hockey team took 2 out of 3 wins from the Chesterfield Falcons. They were last years National Champion. It was cool blog. Real cool.

Did you know some people want Christine O'Donnell to actually represent them in government. HAH! She wants to ban masturbation. That could be the stooopist thing I've ever heard since I read that 68% of Americans believe that Noah's Arc literally happened.

Okay blog, I'm checking out.

See you soon beautiful.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Haven't you've seen Dazed and Confused?

If you were to search imdb for the plot of Dazed and Confused, it would read "It's the last day of school at a high school in a small town in Texas in 1976. The upperclassmen are hazing the incoming freshmen, and everyone is trying to get stoned, drunk, or laid, even the football players that signed a pledge not to."

Okay, who went to High School in 76'? OUR PARENTS.

This is my point. It is so easy to make rules inhibiting the use of drugs in High School when the person creating the rule is not involved. That is the problem.

I hated going to Sunday school. I asked my mom, why do i have to go? She said because she had to when she was young.

The soul reason I cannot support drug testing, is because the idea is not coming from the people it is enforcing. It is made by the ones enforcing the rules. With a policy like this, students should be allowed to create their own decision on how they wanted to be treated with drug policy.

Now, I understand that not every rule in this world should be allowed to be made by the constituent. But in this case, it should be.

Throw out ever other fact, throw out every other decision. Parents, lawmakers, do not have the right to create a rule that inhibits students use of drugs. Not only would they be ignorant and naive to do so, but also critically hypocritical.

With hugs and kisses,



Drug Testing

If drug testing existed, then Riggins would be so jacked. :)