Quote of the Month


"My only regret is that I have but one life to give to my country"

-Nathan Hale

Monday, October 25, 2010


Okay so I know I may have been insensitive to bullying. In class I said that some people deserve it. I still believe it. So I am captain of my hockey team alright. I know I know, your asking "how?" That's not important. What is important is my bullying policy that I have created. So remember that kid I was talking about. The one who constantly gets picked on. This is my belief. No picking on him unless he deserves. So I will frequently intervene people saying things when he doesnt merit it. But he does sometimes.

For example, my teammates know that he has anger issues. There is this one story about him and I assure you it's true. One day in class, this kid was making fun of him right. So this kid goes to the white board to complete a math problem. As he turns around, the teammate of mine slugs him with an upper cut to the face. Thats the kind of kid we are dealing with.

Anyways, people know he is "hot headed" right, so they like to test him. They call out his name in funny, immature ways, and he responds to them by screaming ......TBCONTIUNED


  1. So it seems that in each instance, the kid who "deserves it" is provoked to respond, first "this kid was making fun of him" and second, "people...test him. They call out his name in funny, immature ways". So my question is, why are you focusing on the kid's reaction by saying that he deserves whatever bullying he receives instead of focusing on the behavior of the people who are trying to provoke him to have a reaction. Wouldn't the better solution be to tell the people that are "testing him" or "making fun of him" to cut it out? Might your teammate be more likely to respect and listen to your suggestions about his behavior if he sees you sticking up for him rather than participating in the bullying behavior? Just a thought.

  2. Kramer-

    if you read my countinued post you would have saw that i believe in the Hobbs philosophy. I think that speaks for itself.

  3. Ok, so does that mean that you don't believe that people can change? They are either one or the other and are fated to continue to be good or evil no matter what kinds of interactions/experiences they may have?
    Also, if better to be feared than loved, what happens if everyone subscribes to that notion? Does that mean that everyone will do whatever necessary to become feared? Is that the kind of society you want to live in?
